Vous en prendrez bien une?


de SevDomSPb le 18 Mar 2010, 10:23

[url=http://chistypiter.ru]сколько стоит уборка снега

прайс лист демонтаж
расценки на уборку снега
стоимость вывоза снега
снос домов в 2010 году
прайс уборка снега
демонтаж домов
снос трубы
снос панельных домов
сколько стоит вывоз мусора
вывоз мусора грузчики спб
Messages: 32
Inscription: 12 Mar 2010, 16:53

The professor replied

de hijk573 le 27 Mar 2010, 20:32

The professor replied, "No, Chief. You're mistaken. What you have here is a natural occurrence, what we in the civilized world call an albino! Look at that field over there. All of the sheep are white except for one black one. Nature does this on occasion."
The chief was silent for a moment, then said, "Tell you what. You don't say anything more about that sheep and I won't say anything more about that white child."
Messages: 108
Inscription: 11 Mar 2010, 15:27

Filthy One Liners

de hijk573 le 03 Avr 2010, 22:50

On a cold, cold night two bulls are standing in a field. One says "Boy it's mighty cold out here!", the other says "Yes, I think I might slip into a nice Jersey".

If I had a rooster and you had a donkey and your donkey ate my rooster. What would you have?
2 ft. of my cock in your ass.

What's slimy cold long and smells like pork
Kermit the frogs finger

what is the difference between acne and a catholic priest?
Acne usually comes on a boys face after he turns 12

heello, iss tthhatt thhee sshhoop iii boouugghht thhee vviibbrrattorr ffrroomm. Baltimore Ravens
Buffalo Bills
Cincinnati Bengals
yes. ccaann yyoouu tteell mmee hhooww ttoo ttuurrnn tthhee ffuucckkiinngg tthhiinngg ooffff.

What's the difference between erotic and kinky?
Erotic = using a feather
Kinky = using the whole chicken

Why are men like cars?
Because they always pull out before they check to see if anyone else is cumming.
Messages: 108
Inscription: 11 Mar 2010, 15:27

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